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News in AF Gruppen
- High activity and improved performance in Q3
AF Gruppen recorded NOK 7,204 million revenue in the third quarter. Profit before tax amounted to NOK 289 million. Several business areas performed strongly, and the positive trend in safety work continued in the quarter.
- Contract signed with the City of Oslo for the construction of a new water treatment plant
Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement published on 19.10.2022 stating that AF Gruppen was appointed by the City of Oslo for a partnering contract for the construction of a new water treatment plant at Huseby in Oslo, as part of the New Water Supply project. The collaboration has now moved from development, planning, and design to phase 2, which is detailed design and construction. The contract is a collaborative contract in an alliance between the City of Oslo, represented by the Water and Sewage department, the designers Multiconsult and AF Gruppen. The main works are carried out inside the mountain facility at Huseby.
- Building Office Facility for Forsvarsbygg in Oslo
AF Gruppen has entered into an agreement with Forsvarsbygg (the Norwegian Defence Estates Agency) to construct a new office building at Linderud Camp in Oslo. The project is being carried out as a design-and-build contract, with a value of approximately NOK 79 million, excluding VAT.